“No child should be without a coat in the winter and no parent should have to decide between a coat for their child or putting food on the table.” (from the KofC web home page)
The Knights of Columbus recognize that keeping kids warm in harsh winter climates is one of the many basic needs for families, and has been providing “Coats for Kids” since 2009. The Holy Family Parish Knights of Columbus Council 15197, has participated in this program yearly since 2015, supplying coats to children within our community.
This year, KofC Council 15197 distributed over 55 new coats. We worked with the elementary schools of Conway, Deerfield, Sunderland, Whately, and Hatfield, as well as outside organizations. These organizations included Help to Home, Jessie’s House, The Grace House, The Gray House, and the Rescue Mission. The coat sizes ranged from 3 months to kids’ XL. We would like to share some of the responses from the recipient letters.
“Thanks to your thoughtful generosity, students in the Sunderland community will be safe and warm as they wear their new beautiful winter coats. These gifts will help our neediest families keep their heads above water at a time when living expenses grow disproportionately to income. The lovely coats also help families and students feel embraced by a caring community who thinks about others. Blessings to all of you for being part of the solution!”
“We are so grateful to your Council’s efforts to gift winter coats for the children of moms and families living at the grace House and Jessie’s house during this holiday season! Your kindness will mean allot to our residents, who are working hard to navigate their challenges and take strong steps towards a healthy life for themselves and their children.”
“Thank you so much for your recent gift of warm winter coats. Providing our neighbors with the resources needed to break the cycle of poverty truly takes a community, and as such, I am incredibly grateful to have you as part of this community. We could not have reached this milestone – over 35 years of service – without the support of generous individuals like you. Every life we touch – be it through adult education, youth programming, providing food or a warm winter coat – is possible because of your investment in the lives of those in need.”

The Knights of Columbus council 15197, want to thank our community for their contributions to KofC fund raising drives that enable us to reach out to our community.
“Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith — and it always has been.” (from the KofC web home page).