Holy Family Roman Catholic Church

South Deerfield, MA

Join Us

Visitors are always welcome to join us for Mass or Confession.

Mass Schedule

  • Vigil (Saturday) 4pm
  • Sunday 8am and 10:30am

See our complete Liturgy Schedule for all Mass and Confession times.

Ministers Schedule


Stay up-to-date with our events and announcements:


Welcome to Holy Family Parish!

Please know that only Catholics may receive the Holy Eucharist. Only Practicing Catholics may receive the Holy Eucharist, that is those who go to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. Only practicing Catholics aware of no mortal sin may receive the Eucharist.


30 Day Eucharistic Revival

Fr. Aufiero with Yves Jaques and Father Donald Calloway, MIC, renowned speaker and author of several books including, «Consecration to Saint Joseph », « Champions of the Rosary », and his latest book, « 30 Day Eucharistic Revival », who speaks with us on the importance of Eucharistic Revival, to inflame are hearts with a […]

Beacon of Faith Capital Campaign

The Diocese is launching a new capital campaign – Beacon of Faith. Get more information at the website, including how your donations will be used: https://beaconoffaithwmass.org/

Fr. Aufiero Fr. David Aufiero’s Journey to the Priesthood (with Ray Grijalba)

The heart of a parish is the Eucharist,

but the parish family is the body that makes it a unique and vibrant community with an exciting parish life. Our parish offers a variety of ways to be part of that communal family in addition to the celebration of the sacraments.

Our Renovation


See photos of Holy Family Church's transformation, and the fantastic results!

Sacraments and Worship

Through the Sacraments, God gives us His Life, enabling our ultimate happiness and the eternal reward of Heaven. In return for this great gift, we give Him worship.

Please Join Us!

Holy Family Roman Catholic Church
29 Sugarloaf St.
South Deerfield, MA 01373